Italian Pesto

Fast, practical, and super tasty! Pesto is a traditional Italian sauce from the region of Liguria, Genoa, has ancient origins and is famous worldwide.

The name “Pesto alla Genovese” recalls not only its origins but also its preparation: the pounding (pestare) of basil leaves and other ingredients using a traditional marble mortar and wooden pestle. The first to mention the modern version of pesto was Giovanni Battista Ratto, reporting the recipe in his cooking book “La Vera Cuciniera Genovese” in 1863.

In the nineteenth century, Genoese sailors would use to bring along pesto during the months at sea entrusting in its supposed healing proprieties. Thank to this habit the recipe has reached the around the world and found its way to our plates!

Servings: 6 people
Time: 10 minutes



120 gFresh Italian basil
75 gPine nuts
48 gGarlic
180 mlOlive oil
75 gParmesan cheese


  1. Grate the parmesan cheese
  2. Peel and chop garlic
  3. Roast the pine nuts lightly brown
  4. Wash and pluck the basil leaves
  5. Place the fresh basil, pine nuts, garlic, and a pinch of salt in a blender and blitz until you have a smooth paste
  6. Add olive oil and parmesan
  7. Add a bit of water if the mixture gets too dry
  8. Add salt and pepper

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