Prawn Croquettes

Croquettes are small, round or cylinder-shaped fillings, covered in deep-fried breadcrumbs. Their origins can be traced back to France where they came into the food scene as a tasty way of recycling leftovers during lean times in the nineteenth century.

At the end of the same century, in 1898, the founding father of classical French cuisine, chef Auguste Escoffier together with gastronome Phileas Gilbert composed a recipe that would be the first classic croquette recipe.

And as the world of gastronomy progresses, we even see high-end types of croquettes out there (like our prawn croquettes!) – truly far from their humble leftover creation story.

Servings: 6 people
Time: 30 minutes



780 gPotato
90 gOnion
60 gCarrot
90 gEgg
180 gBreadcrumbs
120 gFlour
400 clVegetable oil
48 gEgg yolk
135 gPeeled and de-veined black prawns


  1. Peel potatoes and cut into 2cm cubes
  2. Cut onions into tiny Brunoise (small cubes)
  3. Put carrots and prawns through meat mincer (big disc)
  4. Prepare 3 containers and put breadcrumbs, flour, and eggs in 1 of each
  5. Boil potatoes and then mash them
  6. Add onions, carrots, and prawns
  7. Add egg yolk
  8. If necessary, add a little more flour
  9. Season with salt and pepper
  10. Roll the dough into even-sized, ball-shaped croquettes
  11. Flour the croquettes, put them into the whisked whole egg, then breadcrumbs
  12. Deep-fry in 170C hot oil

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